his rivals and particularly jeb bush who he hit over and over again for his fund-raising ability and raising 100 million dollars in super pacs from well hi donors. this is more than money. the koch brothers control one of the most political apparatuses on the right. what they are debrooifing donald trump is not just potential to raise super pac contributions from wealthy donors but the data they have assembled and the analytics through this private company i-360, that s drcontrold by the koch brothers donald trump and his campaign have asked to be included in the i 360 data and grassroots gatherings and been told no. that is something more valuable in some ways than money. don t ald responded to the snub by the kochs in a stweet with. he said i really like the koch
donald trump is here. still. any way it s amazing how time flies. soon the first presidential contest will take place, and i, for one, cannot wait to see who with the koch brothers pick. it s exciting. marco rubio, rand paul, ted cruz, jeb bush, scott walker. who will finally get that red rose? [ laughter ] and now it is the koch brothers versus donald trump. the fight everyone has been waiting for. the koch brothers who are at least 40 times richer than donald trump have no use for him as a presidential candidate. the koch brothers have in effect
brothers but i don t want their money or anything else from them cannot influence trump. turns out we just heard he does want something else from him whether they have told donald or not but the koch brothers can bury donald trump in negative advertising if it comes to that if he has to be taken out with negative advertising. they can outspend him like he s never sgleen i don t think the koch brothers are the only ones capable, willing or eager to do that. it certainly you don t need the koch brothers to do that. i think donald trump does that himself with his own words. i do think that as we look at the impact that the koch brothers are going to have on this election, one of their lasting legacies is going to be this shadow party they have assembled. as ken was talking about, they have a very extensive network of not just volunteers but paid staffers and a lot of these
his brand of republicanism seems to be one that dove tails nicely with the koch brothers he was rather unimpressive out there and a lot of donors felt he was not only unprepared but additionally gave answers that suggested he wasn t as closely aligned with them. marco rubio, i think surprised a lot of people and has potential to gain traction this weekend out there in southern california. after a pause, we will come back and consider someone else who s banned from the koch brothers big event. but that one, that candidate might not be the loser the rest of the people on the list turn out to be. that candidate who is banned from the koch event could possibly be the republican presidential nominee. that s next. for those breathless moments. hug loud. live loud. polident. number 1 dentist recommended. the lincoln summer the invitation is on.ere.
declared him one of the obvious losers in the presidential primary by not inviting him to their republican candidate roundup this weekend. they will be in effect auditioning for the massive campaigns that the koch brothers and their other rich invited guests can provide to the campaigns. joining me jeremy peters political reporter for the new york times, msnbc analyst and ken vogl chief investigator reporter for politico. ken, it s an interesting list of who s this an out at the koch brother s big show. donald trump is definitely out. it seems like the kobe brothers would like to get past the trump phase of this campaign as fast as possible. that s right. what is interesting here, lawrence, is that in some ways being snubbed by the koch brothers plays in to donald trump s messaging that he is not beholden to big donors unlike