home. you still walk over to turn on the faucet and you realize oh, yeah, no water. reporter: lack of running water makes the simplest of routines challenging. especially as temperatures rise above 100 degrees. our neighbor who has a house across the street with no one living in it said that we can use his hose out front to fill our water bucket. reporter: all this because the well at their came cal home literally ran dry. the result of the droughts. it went to being gone overnight. reporter: by a stroke of luck, they came across self help enterprises which helps residents get the water they need. it is a 2500 tank and they can resume household activities. reporter: and they are not the only ones. across the state s central valley, wells are drying out, drawing up demand. the family is on a nine months
are drying out, drawing up demand. the family is on a nine-month waiting list to drill a new deeper well. how early during the year did the calls start to come in for the need for water? 40% more calls in march, and then april we were pretty much full. reporter: in fact, california just recorded its lowest rainfall year since records began in 1895. and it s not just homeowners. even towns are being forced to drill deeper to find water. we all just expect to go up to the faucet, turn it on and there s water. but when there isn t, it s just a shock. reporter: frank said in early june, 700 or so residents were left high and dry for about two weeks after the town s well failed. now they are relying on these massive above-ground tanks that get refilled daily. each holds 10,000 gallons of