William Dart: NZTrio reaches for Dramatic Skies
19 Apr, 2021 05:00 PM
2 minutes to read
NZTrio Ashley Brown (cello) Amalia Hall (violin) and Somi Kim (piano). Photo / James Davies
When: Sunday
Reviewer: William Dart NZTrio continues to strive onward and upward with Dramatic Skies, its aptly named 2021 season, consisting of three concerts titled Stratus, Cumulus and Cirrus.
Not only do they aim onward and upward but also around the globe, with Sunday night s Stratus programme beaming out online to the world, which may have occasioned the camera-friendly repositioning of players from the stage to the floor of the hall.
Rachmaninov s popular Trio Elegiaque set the scene with Somi Kim waxing dramatically behind Amalia Hall and Ashley Brown s murmuring strings, soon to be drawn into heart-tugging duet.