The Beacon
The Port Clinton High School Drama Club will present Theory of Relativity, an online production on March 19-26. Featured will be, left to right, Emma Shrader, McKenna Boling and Lillie Rolen, with Anna Hittepole seated.
The Port Clinton High School Drama Club is presenting a student production of The Theory of Relativity from March 19-March 26 via Video on Demand! Viewers will be able to purchase a ticket ($12.94) using the platform ShowTix4U and have the opportunity to watch the fully produced and filmed performance.
From Drama Desk Award nominees Neil Bartram and Brian Hill (The Story of My Life), The Theory of Relativity is a joyous and moving look about our surprisingly interconnected lives. Whether you are allergic to cats, in love for the first or tenth time, a child of divorce, a germaphobe or simply a unique individual, audience members and actors alike are sure to find themselves in this fresh new musical.