In Poplar, the entire Turner family is incredibly stressed out. Shelagh even almost lights up a cigarette! Why? Because they’re all waiting with bated breath for Timothy’s exam results, which soon arrive through the mail slot. And because we need to experience their stress ourselves, we have to wait and see our boy open that envelope for at least a few scenes.
Episode four kicks off with two, to my mind, equally exciting things: England is moving ahead in the World Cup, and Lucille is wearing a truly incredible hat. But alas, we don’t have time to talk millinery, because Team Nonnatus is busy going over the logistics of taking on a bunch of pupil midwives.
Remember how I thought last week was unusually grim, even for Call The Midwife? Episode 2 is shaping up to be no different, starting with the Nonnatus crew reacting to news of the Moors Murders, a horribly upsetting true crime story that Americans may not know (it involves a couple who murdered and sexually assaulted five children, which explains why all of our midwife friends are so righteously furious). The episode also starts with a family, the Clarkes, getting evicted while a crowd boos their landlord, so it seems that the housing crisis in Poplar is only getting worse.
Now where were we? Last season, Nonnatus house’s budget cut/rent hike was briefly reversed, and we dealt with addiction, death and a whole bunch of babies. This season starts on a hopeful note, as Sister Monica Joan gets back up on her feet and walks, creakily, down the hall. Across town, Vi bustles into her store and greets Fred with a typical honey-do list: go get Easter candy at lunch!