The hose ramp spanning Beach Road at Five Corners in Tisbury has been removed, beating the deadline imposed by the town. The ramp, which was in place for about a month and a half, caused at least one bicycle accident, a number of vehicular mishaps and triggered discord between the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), […]
The Martha s Vineyard Times
Hose ramp takes bicyclist down
A crack in the ramp at Five Corners sent a cyclist tumbling on Thursday. - Rich Saltzberg
A bicyclist went down crossing the Beach Road hose ramp at Five Corners in Vineyard Haven late Thursday morning. Two people who were bicycling with him who declined to provide their names but said they were visiting the Island from Falmouth and Washington, said a fissure in the ramp seized their friend’s tire and caused him to crash. Tisbury EMS and police arrived on scene quickly. The bicyclist was evaluated in an ambulance. One of his friends said he appears to be okay. A Massachusetts State Trooper also responded to the scene from a nearby work detail.
The Martha s Vineyard Times
Pumping, excavation underway at Xtra Mart
Water pumped from beneath the Xtra Mart property flowed into the harbor Saturday.
On Friday and Saturday Drake Petroleum Company gave Tisbury the necessary documentation to proceed with a tank replacement project at the Xtra Mart/Citgo station on Beach Road. The company’s contractors pumped water across Beach Road, down Beach Street Extension, and into the harbor on Saturday. Dewatering was ongoing Monday when contractors broke ground at the jobsite. An armored ramp across a hose on Beach Road last week stoked motorist frustration. Many vehicles bottomed out traversing it. On Thursday select board chair Jim Rogers asked Drake’s contractors to make the ramp more motorist-friendly. He sent a police detail to the ramp Thursday night. By Friday contractors lengthened the ramp and motorists had an easier time passing over it.