One of the most popular characters introduced in the sequel Shonen series of Dragon Ball Z has always been the son of Vegeta from the future in Trunks, traveling back into the past to help save the Z Fighters from the insane creations of Dr. Gero. With Future Trunks popularity continuing to be a [.]
While the final major arc of the Dragon Ball Z series focused on the pink powerhouse known as Majin Buu, the insane threat wouldn t have been released from his prison if not for the sorcery of the pint-sized wizard known as Babidi, and one fan of the Akira Toriyama franchise has created an [.]
Dragon Ball Z Cosplay Highlights Hard Hitting Videl
Dragon Ball Super has done a good job of incorporating some of the fighters that were often overlooked during both the Tournament of Power Arc and the Moro Arc, which just ended in the pages of the manga, Videl has yet to return to the battlefield.
Currently, Videl has hung up her gloves and is helping Gohan in raising their daughter, Pan. With many of the Z Fighters accessing the power of the Gods or hitting new levels of energy as a result of some serious training, Videl hasn t been able to keep up. Early on in
Dragon Ball Z Cosplay Unleashes FighterZ Favorite Android 21
Dragon Ball FighterZ is perhaps regarded as one of the best video games in the Shonen franchise that is known for its hard-hitting action, with the entry giving fans a popular new character in the form of Android 21, with one fan creating Cosplay for the creation of Dr. Gero that gave herself a Majin Buu like appearance. Though this fan-favorite character has yet to appear in the anime proper in either
Ball Super or Super Dragon Ball Heroes, we bet that it is only a matter of time before this one-time villain makes her grand appearance.
Dragon Ball Z Cosplay Presents Android 17 And 18 With A Twist
Dragon Ball Supersurprised a number of fans when Android 17 was brought back to be an essential part of Universe 7 s band of warriors in the Tournament of Power Arc, and two fans have created some amazing cosplay for the two android siblings that were the creations of Dr. Gero. With the Moro Arc giving big roles to the two androids once again as the Z Fighters battled against the energy-absorbing sorcerer, and it s clear that they ll continue to have a presence in the anime series when it finally returns from its hiatus.