AUSTIN, Texas (AP) Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke formally announced Thursday that he'll seek the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, ending months of intense speculation over whether he'd try to translate his newfound political celebrity into a White House bid.
take the stage again. admitting he s considering a run for the white house. winfrey asked, have you given yourself a deadline? o rourke responded the serious answer is really soon, before the end of this month. the holdup, he says, his family, what s best for them. but a movement is now underway to draft the former congressman from el paso. draft beto groups in multiple states are raising money and are on a mission to find key people to commit to a beto run for the white house. in texas, signs that once read beto for senate now read beto 2020. and these stickers are becoming a top seller online. some worry he s losing precious campaigning time, but o rourke is known for his unconventional approach to politics. viral videos so i m here at the dentist social media posts. it s how he engaged supporters across the country during the