The drug maker on Tuesday reported an 11% year-on-year (YoY) jump in net profit at Rs 1,379 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2023, as against Rs 1,247 crore a year ago. The company said the net profit was led by new products and base business market share gain in the US, and also new launches and strong volumes in Europe. The Hyderabad-based firm s revenue rose 7% at Rs 7,215 crore as against Rs 6,770 crore crore in the year-ago period.
India VIX was down by 0.68% from 14.68 to 14.58 levels in the previous trading session. Volatility was slightly down and has been cooling off from the last four sessions.
Dr. Reddy s will make an upfront cash payment of $90 million, as well as contingent payments of up to $15 million, inventory consideration, and credits for certain accrued channel liabilities to be determined on the closing date
Dr Reddy s lines up Rs 1,000 crore capex for current fiscal year
Last Updated: May 24, 2021, 01:04 PM IST
The company remains positive about sustaining its growth trends in the current fiscal and beyond, as per a top company official.
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NEW DELHI: Drug major Dr Reddy s Laboratories has earmarked a Capex of around Rs 1,000 crore for the current fiscal as it remains positive about sustaining its growth trends in the current fiscal and beyond, as per a top company official.
The Hyderabad based firm invested about Rs 1,000 crore in the 2020-21 fiscal. The Capex will be around the same numbers, maybe a bit higher if everything goes through, Dr Reddy s Laboratories CEO Erez Israeli said in an analyst call.