10 Things You Might Not Know About The PS For Health And Medical Services- Dr James Fong Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Ifereimi Waqainabete described Dr Fong as intelligent and well read, and someone who was always wanting to know more. by inoke rabonu Dr James Fong.
Photo: Ronald Kumar
Described as a man with deep passion for the job, the Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services, Dr James Fong, is no stranger to every household in the country.
He has been the face and the voice of the country’s COVID-19 fight in recent days.
50,000 COVID-19 Vaccines By April Dr Waqainabete said the ministry was working with digitalFIJI on the vaccination registration for the vaccinated population once the vaccines are rolled out. by inoke rabonu
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services is hoping to receive more than 50, 000 doses in the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines by April this year.
This was revealed by Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Ifereimi Waqainabete yesterday.
Dr Waqainabete said the ministry was working with digitalFIJI on the vaccination registration for the vaccinated population once the vaccines are rolled out.
“The vaccines will arrive in batches and the first batch that will arrive within the first quarter of this year. We are hoping to get more than 50,000 doses,�
Fiji To Get AstraZeneca Vaccine: Minister The vaccine can be administered within a maximum of six months with two doses given per person. by fonua talei
Fiji has the potential to vaccinate all eligible Fijians with the COVID-19 vaccine within six months of procuring it, says Minister for Health Dr Ifereimi Waqainabete.
He said the COVID-19 vaccine programme will include everyone above the age of 18-years-old and the ministry is prepared for the largest Vaccine Programme in Fiji’s history.
Priority will be given to frontline workers, followed by those at most risk of developing severe illness if they contract the disease, and then the rest of the eligible Fijian population.