Public service and administration minister Ayanda Dlodlo says her department will continue to monitor the capturing of data on qualifications of senior managers to see if there is a need for further investigation.
A shortage of labour relations staff, appeals and interference have been cited as some of the reasons for delays in finalising disciplinary cases involving government officials.
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) says they are dismayed with the comment by the Department of Public Service and Administration's (DPSA) that it's considering to make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory for all employees in the public service.
Public service director-general Yoliswa Makhasi would not be drawn into commenting about the allegations against her, except to say she is reserving her rights regarding a "libelous" document.
Public service director-general Yoliswa Makhasi would not be drawn into commenting about the allegations against her, except to say she is reserving her rights regarding a "libelous" document.