for wiggling and no room to nuance and it was a killing mistake she made and i hope it was a mistake and doesn t reveal her true soul. dpreg greg this is sarah sanders talking about the double standard. shall we play that. the president pointed to the media saying the horrible things about the president and no one addresses it. where was bob s apology to the president when jamal calling him. and cathy griffen on a profane rant on the view after a photoshowed her holding president trump s decapitated and where was the apology for spen spin hiring keith ober man as he portrayed the president as
name. kimberly: roseanne should quiet down and you know dpreg greg i want to bring up the ambienn disance. the president missed an opportunity. here it would be so easy. you need more black people. you have an opportunity just a passing phrase. he could say everything he said and start it with this is abhorrent and i don t condone this and as much as i like her comedy, it was not funny and it would have been easy for him to reach out and to deny the naysayers. greg: she blamed ambien. they responded. all pharmaceuticals have
carty b asks what you would be doing right now if you were not on the five. kimberly: i know what you would be doing, crushing pinot noir. greg: you would be doing it with me. dana: okay gilligan s island. i would be on my way to meet peter so that we could have our weekend. jason: i am dashing to the airport so that i can get home. kimberly: don t fly delta on that plane. jason: delta is pretty good. juan: the weather is great, i would be outside, it is beyond spring. it s like we did not have spring, we went to summer. kimberly: yes, we jumped ahead. dana: what i did this morning, i spent an hour cleaning out my closet. i was good, if you need me to come over and get rid of stuff, i am ready. kimberly: dana, you can do spring cleaning. dana: i m very good at throwing things away. kimberly: no clutter.
and remmington is in bankruptcy and there is a republican in ofls and not driving the buyers to the store. greg: everybody sativated the market. juan: teachers are opposed to carrying guns to school. they are saying in the aftermath of parkland maybe something should change. that brought up the controversial issue with the president and vice-president pence. secret service said no guns in here. and nra, wait they don t trust the good guys with the guns, how could that be. you shouldn t have awe gun around the president. yeah. dana: talk about one other the president discussed and
quote. although those speakers had the right to speak and entitled to protection, that did not need to be on campus to combz free speech. it can be seen to be part of a coordinated campaign. and organized appearance to insight inferred to have a narrative. you don t need to be on campus to exercise your free speech. conservative stay away. greg, are we raising a new generation of snowflakes? greg: i hoped you didn t say that. dana: this is where he went to school. greg: it is not only about speech. what did you notice about the comment. how humorless it was. you are seeing the death of