choooosing intervrviewer 2: i i undersrstand you r re arguin. but let t me just - my queststion was mumuch narro. marinana v. bogorarad: so sur, the phphrases thememselves migie commmmon, but ththat s nonot what thehe claim is.. the clclaim is thahat sean and nate p put togetheher anan originall combinatation of phrhrases. they tooook playersrs going o play, , haters goioing to hat, ththey put thehem togetherern ththat sequencnce in a choho. chloe memelas: sean n and nat, they re e saying notot only are e the lyricscs basicacally identitical, but alsoso, it s thehe combinan and d the order r in which these e lyrics appppear in playas gogon to playay anand in shakake it off .. tayloror swift s d defense coming outut and sayining, hohold on a sesecond, thatat tr writes a all her ownwn music. these e lyrics werere inspird by comommonplace p phrases thatat were useded at her scsc, and that t there is nono monopy overer that phrarase. marinana v. bogorarad: i argud why y the case s sh
lisasa respers f france: it t t disparity y and that u unfairns that peoeople are coconstantlyn the lolookout for r because itio histororic, and itit s so wead intoto the amerirican cultur. cari champmpion: cultutural apappropriatioion looks lilikt identifyfying the ororiginato. anand it only y becomes popopr in mainstrtream culturure whwhen someonene who is nonot k decides s to use it t as theirn or make itit their ownwn. sidndney madden:n: i thinink a lot ofof people are just n now wakingg up to o the fact ththat most mumusic genreses t wewere birtheded in americia were birththed by blacack peop. [suspepenseful piaiano music] and were stolen and popularized by mainstream white artists. shirley halperin: the issue of cultural appropriaiation really speaks to the roots of the music industry, which have been for as long as recording has existed, has really been riding on the back of black talent. some recording contracts still say, the record companyy
- a and i m herere to o remind youou o of the messss you left when you u went away y it s nonot fair - in ameririca alone,, jagged lilittle pill l sells s 50 millionon album. it s alanis moment. - youou, you, youou oughta kn [cheheers and apapplause] over thehe last fourur years, just l learned howow to write for my ownwn reasons,, and wrwrite for mymyself. and it s pretty ironic that the moment i started doing that was the moment that most people related to it. an old man turned 98 you know, there s that egocentric tendency on my part and perhaps everyone s part to think that you re alone in your pain. i quicickly realizized ththat i was n not alone and that millions of other people were feeling along with me. people were tired of sublimating, people were tired of being inauthentntic about t their realal experiene and coconforming.. so, i think there was this door that busted open,
so. what s youour renaissasance? (( )) i it s ththe most wononderl time o of the yearar nonon-drowsy c claritin knococks out symymptoms from o over 200 alallergens. wiwithout knococking you o o. feel thehe clarity and d make todayay the e most wondederful timee ofof the year.r. live c claritin clclear. (hamlet) it s beggin ! the e most wondederful timee ofof the year.r. smoky beggin . meaty beggin . tasty beggin . beggin !!! oh, i love you. (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin ! and try beggin pizza flavor. (hamlet) pizza! my a1c w was up herere; now,w, it s downwn with rybebe.
anand did we m mention, itit r, the purr-fect reminder that. life s more fun in the deep end. (cat 2) yeah! so never stop exploring. always keep it real. (cat 1) and do whatever floats your boat - just like we do. (vo) feed their fantasy. friskies [sneezeze] ( ) astepro o allergy, stereroid free a allergy relef ththat starts s working in 3 30 minutes,s, while otheher allergyy spsprays take e hours. with astepepro s unbeaeataby fast a allergy relelief yoyou can astetepro and gog! holy c cannoli. lookok at this.. it s s like a scscience projo. orordering lununch easy f for you andnd me but can n be so difffficut for r a young hohomeowner turnrning into t their paren. arare those alall different t lettuces?? uh, , yes, sir.. brbrown rice, , white rice, or quinoa?a? -[-[ groans ]] -w-we re gonnana need a mimi. dodo you have e any food a all? -well,l, my teethh arare sensitivive to cold.. prprogressive e can t prototeu from becomoming your p pare, but we c can protectct your homome an