and that s why i m fighting my cholesterol with crestor. [ male announcer ] when diet and exercise alone aren t enough, adding crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol and raise the good. crestor is also proven to slow plaque buildup in arteries. crestor is not right for everyone like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. ask your doctor about plaque build up. and if crestor is right for you. [ woman ] i love what we ve created here together. [ male announcer ] if you can t afford your medication, astra-zeneca may be able to help. good evening, everyone. we are live in joplin, missouri tonight. a town bracing for a storm that s expected to hit any moment. death toll rising here in joplin, missouri to 124, and a staggering number of peo
we ve moved to a more secure location. i want to show you what s been happening in oklahoma, the storm there, simply unbelievable. this funnel cloud cut a tractor trailer in half. the driver escaped with his life. it was not the only tornado on the ground. at least four people killed west of oklahoma city in canadian county. at one point the national weather service had to evacuate its norman oklahoma storm prediction center. take a look. wow. woe got lightning really close. where is it? yeah. okay, we got another tornado on the ground. we re going to have to get out of here, guys. we can t stay around here. multiple vortex tornado on the ground. where s the location towards the south? don t worry about it. we re good, we re good. we ll be all right. here s a remarkable view from reporter david payne. reporter: there it is on the ground. it s getting stronger. elephant trunk tornado on the ground. from i-40 and highway 102, where is it from you, where is tha
and if crestor is right for you. [ woman ] i love what we ve created here together. [ male announcer ] if you can t afford your medication, astra-zeneca may be able to help. among those volunteering to help in joplin today was grant. he photographed the tornado s destruction and submitted some of those photos to cnn ireport and was at home in nearby webb city when the tornado hit. let me start by asking you, you live nearby. you were not hit correct direct. why did you decide to go to joplin when you heard the big tornado had hit. i wasn t sure of the state of joplin at the time. my wife was feeding my 1-year-old son and i said i think i need to go help. i brought my camera with me. i thought i would take pictures of downed signs and missing a i
elections. carolcnn. i ll read some of your comments later this hour. images, it is really difficult to see of utter destruction. it is not the first time that joplin, missouri has been hit by a tornado. we re going to take a closer look at a city that now looks like a war zone. on. bring it with bounty. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty leaves thn as 2 sheets of the bargain . why use more when you can use less? bounty. the one-sheet clean picker-upper. pants pockets. and anyone, anywhere who would hide our precious coins. we re coming for what s ours. maybe you didn t hear.
joplin, missouri. cnn s brian todd is outside what used to be a very busy hospital complex. brian, tell us what you re seeing where you are. are they cleaning up or more focused on the rescue efforts right now? reporter: there is a focus on the rescue efforts. they re trying to comb through neighborhoods searching grid by grid to find survivors. frankly a lot of the buildings are completely flattened. we re not sure how that search is going to turn out. i m joined by michael spetser a spokesman for the national red cross who s come to joplin to set up shelters. thousands of people have been displaced from their homes. michael, right now how dire is it for them? our biggest need is making sure people have a safe place to stay. many structures were completely destroyed. we re making sure there s a warm, dry place. as the rain and cold sets in. these people have been out here for many-hours. we want to make sure they have