about abu ghraib that were supposed to come out, they decided not to come out. i sat down with the king of los angeles, julian assange, wednesday hon house arrest because assange has a phrase for what he calls it information aparthe apartheid, you have the government bureaucrats have access to this information probably shouldn t be classified and they know more than the rest of the public. so assange s response to this growing secrecy was wikileaks, was these document dumps. that was one of the first huge scandals where we started leakers were terrorists. this is a huge story. here is another response, why don t we get a congress with checks and balances presidents? this is really important. congress has completely abandoned the playing field on this issue except for when it s politically advantageous. i want to talk about the question question of how can you change the dynamics of the incentives for secrecy, after we take a break. wake up!
every view on the right? remember when santorum and those guys got out of the race? every pundit was saying now romney is going to attack to the middle, he s going to be the massachusetts moderate that he was, et cetera, et cetera. we haven t seen that yet. the question s when does it start? does it start after tonight after he sits down with the king of birtherrism. donald trump was quoted as saying, i don t speak with romney about his birth certificate. i would like to hear romney say he doesn t speak to trump about obama s birth certificate. not a spokesperson, i want to hear it from the governor himself. if he wants to be president, he needs to pony up and say he doesn t believe it himself over and over and over again, then we won t have anything to talk about, will we? susan, as a republican strategist, is this an important moment with romney kind of going over the top officially tonight? should it mean that we expect anything different as we see the campaign move forward in t
get tax reform that we need in order to get the 30 million jobs necessary for this country to prosper. it s why we set out to identify the problem solvers and the communities that are restoring themselves despite all of this. next week, we up the ann tee with a college tour. next wednesday, kentucky. then off to ohio state in columbus, ohio. if you re in the neighborhood f. tonight, we re sitting down with the king of late night, jimmy fallon. check it out on your local nbc station right after the tonight show. the only thing we have in common is we re both from upstate new york. after that, we ll have to find out. straight ahead, the specialist
of the world s oil reserves. just off the saudi coasts more protests island bahrain. home to the navy s fifth fleet. thousands of demonstrators marching through the capital chanting down with the king and the king heading to saudi arabia to meet with one of his closest allies. they are reportedly talking about how to handle this uprising. the kidnapping has already given in to some the protesters demands, releasing dozens of political prisoners. bahrain is mostly shiite but the royal family is sunniy. revolution could give iran s shiite leaders a powerful new ally in the gulf. this is yemen where protests have turned violent a key al qaeda hideout and launching pad for recent terror plots against the united states is destabilized. witnesses report police and government supporters opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators killing at least one, wounding a dozen. protesters demanding an end to
for positive change in the country. so i think there is an enormous amount of resentment built up. just like in egypt, the opposition in iran is also using social networking sites, shep, to get the messages out. shepard: trace gallagher live in los angeles. across the region in bahrain, security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets on a day of rage as advertised there. the island is in the persian gulf and key ally. thousands of proceed testers hit the streets today chanting down with the king. they claim they are not trying to overthrow the monarchy at all. they want more democratic reforms. the clashes left one demonstrator dead and more than two dozen injured. in yemen, the country s fourth straight day of protests. more than 1,000 people reportedly turned out for the to demand their president step down. he has ruled there for more than 30 years and ally of the united