ranking member or any members of the committee. he went to the media and held a press conference before doing any of that. all of that just doesn t add up. so when will wolf asks the chairman why he couldn t view this information in a classified location on capitol hill, i wanted to play his exact answer and see if you can understand it. here he is. the congress has not been given this information, these documents and that s the problem. so because this is executive branch, it was distributed widely through the executive branch. he was saying it was widely distributed through the exactive branch and yet not widely enough that no one close to the president knew about it. does this make sense to you or do you have concern that he is trying to shield the president, help the president or coordinate with the president? my concern and the concern of many others is that he s crossed the line to become either an advocate for the president or a
classified information can be viewed securely. what he is doing is obstructing the investigation. the president made a claim that is proved to not be true. he s helping the president. reporter: the revelation put the white house on the defensive after sean spicer said this last week when asked if the information came from the white house. it doesn t really pass the smell test. reporter: spicer could not rule out that someone on the white house staff may have authorized him to review the information, but the house investigation is starting to break down along partisan lines with democrats criticizing nunez. without further ado, speaker ryan should replace the chairman. reporter: he has still to present the committee with intelligence showing that some trump team communications had been picked up and some individuals had their identities unmasked by the intelligence community. he is giving shifting explanations about what the
you know, there is one other guy who made winning his catch phrase, though it ended up catching up with him. wow, winning. winning. starting to get the concept now. duh, winging. reporter:down what else isn t winning? speaking at the white house with something in your teeth. detailed another, it s appropriate that @presssec bothers when spicer wore his flag pin upside down, also not winning, the little portable desk. this is the smallest desk i have ever seen. reporter: the president had to use to sign bills in the roosevelt room, not quite as small as the one president baldwin was relegated to on