ATTORNEY GENERAL DALE MARSHALL is coming under more fire for comments meant to reassure the public when he said that the recent spate of killings resulted from gunmen in specific “groups” targeting each other. Yesterday, chairman of the Barbados Private Sector Association, Trisha Tannis, said hearing that was little comfort as the innocent could be “in the wrong place at the wrong time”. She was speaking on Starcom Network’s call-in …
The proposed amendment to the Electric Light and Power Act is a “major concern” of intervenor and attorney Tricia Watson. Calling in on Starcom Network’s radio programme Down To Brass Tacks yesterday after a caller raised the issue of the proposed amendment, Watson said the amendment is “ill-advised in relation to regulation of the sector and it also seeks to curtail public discourse or involvement on the issuing of licensing …
David Ellis has resigned from his post as COVID-19 Public Advisor. He made the announcement on Starcom Network’s Down To Brass Tacks progamme on Monday. He was back in the chair as moderator, a job with which he would be very familiar, having worked with that company for several decades. At the time of his appointment, Ellis said it was not a political pick and he came in for criticism …
“Armageddon is upon the world,” exclaimed a rather animated lady. “This world will soon be no more,” she submitted. “This war in Ukraine is the final battle that was talked about in the Bible,” sh.
Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley is all for complete reform of the child justice system and remains impatient and unhappy about the controversy surrounding the Government Industrial School (GIS). But she’s willing to let a review of the current environment at the girls’ section in Barrows, St Lucy be complete and whatever recommendations made be the start of such reform. Speaking on Starcom Network’s Down To Brass Tacks yesterday, Mottley …