Political party leaders in Dowa District have hailed Danchurch Aid and Norwegian Church Aid for facilitating a project dubbed Young Women in Active Politics (YWAP) saying the project has capacitated young women to actively take part in political affairs in their respective communities.
Matsimbe(in black) speaking during the interface meeting at Mponera in Dowa.
Kapiza (Red tie)-we are happy that young women are developing political interest
Oga Chabwera speaking to the media after the meeting
Kapiza with women political leaders in Dowa
Funded by European Union (EU) the project targets 6 districts including Rumphi, Dowa, Ntchisi,Mzimba,Nsanje and Neno and it is being implemented by various partners that include Women Legal Resources Centre (WOLREC) Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD) and Democracy Works Foundation (DWF).