of the white house that is embarrassing, that is destructive, that it s horrific. cory, is it your sense that the center s not feeling the the center s not feeling the well, the only person who isn t is probably bernie s would i. but for the american people, your 401(k) is higher today. $6trillion in stock market value. the dow astronomies and s&p 500 have hit records time and time again. unemployment is the lowest it has literally been in a lifetime and 13 states it s the lowest it has been in the 1970s. so when you look at the metrics of what this the president has done, he s bringing people back to work, he s bringing manufacturing back. you look at any measure that s actually achievable, and this president is better the people of this country are better on of today than they were a year ago because of this administration. pete: one issue this white house is taking on from the very beginning, a critical topic. i don t mean to make light of it. we re making life lite of it