going to school? no. immigrants create jobs. they don t take jobs. they come here and buy housing and good and services. we have been a country of immigrants for 400 years. i don t buy the arguement that the immigrants steal jobs. if we had the right policies in washington we d have plenty of jobs for everybody in america. those who want to come here. eric: but they took up services. you travel a lot, i travel a lot. everywhere i go, immigrants do grunt work in economy. i don t know how the economy would survive without the workers. eric: i see 72 high on the dow. 14,000. pass the graveyard with news? i m nervous. i m not in market now. this is a bull run we have had on the market. as you know is it sustainable with the tax and regulations? i m skeptical. eric: when the news is bad and market continues in the upward direction, usually it s on its way especially when you reported today consumer confidence is down. consumers aren t spending.