Harley is a senior male pit bull terrier mix who was found as a stray. This handsome boy is eagerly waiting for his forever home where he can live happy the rest of his live.
Maybelline is a young female domestic medium hair. She is litter box trained and her vaccinations are current. This beautiful girl would make a wonderful companion.
Find them at Montgomery County Animal Care and Control, 616 N. Spring St., 931-648-5750
Caroline is a 3-year-old, 25-pound spayed female dachshund/pit bull terrier mix. She is house and crate trained, and gets along well with other dogs. She is a very laid-back girl who will happily relax on her bed or next to you. She loves to run and play and her favorite treat is peanut butter. She is a smart girl who learns fast. Caroline does well with adults and with older children.
- Clarksville, TN Online - https://www.clarksvilleonline.com -
Clarksville area Pets of the Week for December 23th, 2020
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Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Online will be bringing you pets from different rescue organizations that are in need of a good home in Clarksville-Montgomery County and surrounding areas. This week’s pets are for the week of December 23rd, 2020.
Dogs and cats of all ages, breeds and sizes are available through area animal rescues and shelters, as well as opportunities to help homeless animals through foster programs, donations, and help with fundraisers and other family-friendly activities.
Contact a rescue near you to learn more.
Clarksville area Pets of the Week for December 23th, 2020
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Online will be bringing you pets from different rescue organizations that are in need of a good home in Clarksville-Montgomery County and surrounding areas. This week’s pets are for the week of December 23rd, 2020.
Dogs and cats of all ages, breeds and sizes are available through area animal rescues and shelters, as well as opportunities to help homeless animals through foster programs, donations, and help with fundraisers and other family-friendly activities.
Contact a rescue near you to learn more.
Oreo is available at Montgomery County Animal Care and Control.
- Clarksville, TN Online - https://www.clarksvilleonline.com -
Clarksville area Pets of the Week for December 16th, 2020
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News |
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Online will be bringing you pets from different rescue organizations that are in need of a good home in Clarksville-Montgomery County and surrounding areas. This weeks pets are for the week of December 16th, 2020.
Dogs and cats of all ages, breeds and sizes are available through area animal rescues and shelters, as well as opportunities to help homeless animals through foster programs, donations and help with fundraisers and other family-friendly activities.
Contact a rescue near you to learn more.
Clarksville area Pets of the Week for December 16th, 2020
Clarksville, TN – Clarksville Online will be bringing you pets from different rescue organizations that are in need of a good home in Clarksville-Montgomery County and surrounding areas. This weeks pets are for the week of December 16th, 2020.
Dogs and cats of all ages, breeds and sizes are available through area animal rescues and shelters, as well as opportunities to help homeless animals through foster programs, donations and help with fundraisers and other family-friendly activities.
Contact a rescue near you to learn more.
Cupcake can be found at Cats Are Us.
Montgomery County Animal Care and Control