opened again but i was struck by how dove issuish this was. what were your thoughts? this is the foreign policy the president, that candidate obama always wanted to pursue. this was the outlines of what he described and what he campaigned on for six years and for six years he was a reluctant wartime president because of this situation in afghanistan and frankly wrap there was always a little bit of a rorschach test when it came to obama in 07 and 08. one of the ways that that would sort of paper over this of the idea that he didn t want to be viewed as simply an antiwar guy since he was anti-iraq and he used to say he was anti-iraq. that was a dumb war. afghanistan was a right place. we have a bad strategy. he was caught with his own rhetoric and when he came in, he focused on figuring out how to clean up afghanistan, surge troops in. but i can tell you in hindsight, there are a lot of people around the president and there s even some thought that the president