And what would you say dont expect that is going to be the case. What would you say if the project sponsor [laughter] this is news i know to the director. It has to do with the fact that were putting people in [speaker not understood] with the project sponsor as opposed to staff, okay. What if they offered him the use of one of the condos that the developer will hold, a studio, once a month for anything he wants to do there, meeting or party or whatever, no more than 20 people and he has to get permission from the sponsor and of course subject to the hoa. And then what if they offered to pay part of his personal Legal Expense that the sponsor had caused . Would this maybe be a short conversation . I really think so because i was a federal Civil Servant and i would have more respect for my job and i frankly think that the director would have more respect for his and for his salary and for, you know, his position and responsibility. But when you put this in the hands of people who have i
Of 13 full blocks and 8 partial blocks stretching from kansas street to interstate 2 80, the starbucks and sbaeerctiontionv located at the corner of 16th and kansas streets are the only two formula retail uses. By the whole foods located at the Southwest Corner of 17th and rhode island street is [speaker not understood], falls within the mur Zoning District where formula retail uses are principally permitted. The sbaeerctiontionv at kansas and 16th street is the only other Financial Service or bank formula retail or otherwise located within this contiguous umu Zoning District. And while the umu Zoning District encourages wide uses, residential, retail offices and [speaker not understood], currently located within this contiguous umu district. Regarding Public Comment, to date the department has received no Public Comment on this project. In order for the project to move forward, the Planning Commission must grant conditional use authorization to allow a new formula retail use within th
District. The department believes this is a necessary and desirable project because no overconcentration of formula retail uses exist within the contiguous umu Zoning District because the contiguous umu Zoning District currently contains very few neighborhood serving uses. Because the project will enhance the Economic Diversity use of the neighborhood, showcase square potrero general plan and general plan overall. Therefore the Department Recommends approval of the project with conditions. That concludes my presentation. Im available for questions. Project sponsor, please. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im douglass fong, applicant and architect for the project. Id like to say that the packages which you have before you include designs that instituted significant revisions from our original proposal. Weve been working very closely with planning staff to develop banks which are much more transparent to the pedestrian street. Id also like to say through the preapplication process, we did
C3o sd downtown commercial, Downtown Office special Development Zoning district and 320i height and bulk district proposed for continuance to march 21st, 2013. Case no. 2011. 0800c, 601 van ness avenue is there any Public Comment on the one item proposed for continuance . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner borden . Continue item 1 to the date on the calendar. Second. On that motion to continue item 1 to march 21st, commissioner antonini . Aye. Commissioner borden . Aye. Commissioner hillis . Aye. Commissioner moore . Aye. Commissioner sugaya . Aye. And Commission President fong . Aye. So moved commissioners that motion passes unanimously 6 to 0. On the consent calendar item 2, case no. 2012. 1296c, 383 rhode island street, request for conditional use authorization. I believe commissioner moore is requesting that it be pulled off. [inaudible]. Well place that first item under the regular calendar. Moving on, commissioners, commissioners questions and matters, item 3, co