At Monday night's school board meeting, Sulphur Springs ISD trustees voted unanimously to call a $157,150,000 bond election that will be on the May 4 ballot. Registered voters residing within the Sulphur Springs ISD boundaries will be asked to vote on a bond referendum that would generate funding to
A special meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held Monday, January 23, 2023.
No one requested to address the Board.
Superintendent Michael Lamb recognized board members for “Board Appreciation Month.” Each campus also sent gifts and tokens of thanks to th
Agenda for 010.19.22 CALL TO ORDER: Invocation and Pledges to the flags FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Announcement by the President whether a quorum is present, that the meeting had been duly called and that the notice of the meeting had been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meet