concert.. for free!we re giving away tww pairs of tickets sometimm n the next 60 minutes. 3 buffalo? oh my god.oh my go god! and. a soldiee surprise.. that one father almost missed. 3 3 - inter county connector (i-c-c)- 11 miles of the new toll road oppns today. from georgia avenue to just east of i-95. tuesday, novemmer 22nd 3 old court map 3 a woman is facing charges this morning. for illegally injecting silicone into clients who wanteddto enhance their back woman sayy it madd her seriously ill. she heard about this woomn who gave silicone injections into &ptheir buts. from other dancers. here on the block. block.she told police she underwent the injections but after her fourth treatment. she began having trouble breathing. doctors actually found silicone on the sides and bottom of er lungs. that prompted a six month feddral investigatioo thht finally led to kimberly smedley s arrest.the f-d-a says smedley. who lives in georgia. frequennly traaeled around the coun