Houssin Hourieh, Lamar Light Plant Superintendent, provided an update for the board on February 9
th, on the board’s legal action against SECPA, Southeast Colorado Power Association. On January 25th and 26th, Hourieh, board chairman, Doug Thrall, board attorney, Don Steerman and case attorney, Ric Fanyo attended a virtual hearing for the Public Utility Commission. Both sides presented their points of view by cross examinations by both attorneys. A Statement of Position of the factual evidence, along with the board’s legal argument about the meaning of substantial change in the nature of service, will be due on Wednesday, February 17th. The Administrative Law Judge’s (ALJ’s) recommendation to the PUC Commission will be in from four to six weeks and each side will have 20 days to appeal any disagreements with the ALJ’s recommendations. Responses to the exceptions are due 14 days later. The final PUC decision will be five to seven weeks later. The Lamar Utility Board and SE