Steven StoneTORI AMOS: Under the PinkAtlantic 82567-2 9 (CD), East/West 7567-82567-1 (German LP). Tori Amos, Eric Rosse, prods.; John Beverly Jones, Paul McKenna, Eric Rosse, Kevin Killen, Ross Cullum, mix; Bob Ludwig, LP mastering. ADD/ADA. TT: 56:52 Tori Amos's second solo release proves that she's certainly more than a one-shot phenomenon.
It turns out that PVC, or polyvinyl chloridethe stuff used to make Starbucks gift cards, imitation leather wallets, inflatable pool unicorns, the pipes under your sink, and Billy Idol's pantsis also the main ingredient in phonograph records. And today we're living in the silver age of PVC. Not the golden age, since records are no longer the dominant medium for recorded music, but these days we're lucky to again have access to a remarkable amount of music stamped on top-quality hot plastic.
JOHN ATKINSONBURT BACHARACH & RONALD ISLEY: Here I Am DreamWorks B0001005-2 (CD). 2003. Burt Bacharach, Ted Perlman, Ronald Isley, prods.; John McClain, Ronald Isley, exec. prods.; Alan Sides, Al Schmidt, mix engs.; Steve Genewick, Tom Sweeney, asst. engs.; Wil Donovan, Jimmy Hoyson, second engs.; David Chase, ProTools eng.; Alan Yoshida, mastering eng. DDD? TT: 58:19