TOWANDA — A crowd gathered in front of the Bradford County Courthouse as commissioners Daryl Miller and Zachary Gates proclaimed April as Child Abuse Prevention Month on Friday, April 5.
ROME — Bradford County Commissioners proclaimed March 2024 as both Intellectual Disability Awareness Month and Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month in Bradford County at their meeting on Thursday, Feb. 22.
TOWANDA — Bradford County commissioners approved an agreement between Bradford County Youth Services and the YMCA during their meeting on Thursday, Feb. 8.
BRADFORD COUNTY — Claverack Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) and its affiliate Claverack Communications, LLC “Revolution” are bringing high speed internet to rural Bradford County residents, something the rural community members
TOWANDA- Chairman of the Bradford County Republican Committee Richard Harris called for the return to paper ballots at the Bradford County Commissioners meeting on Thursday, Feb. 8.