and perhaps worse, although he will be investigated. the source went so far as to say quote, many in the military consider sergeant bergdahl a trader, a term they did not choose lightly. we asked whether this was a good deal. during an exclusive interview we taped with six members of the platoon yesterday, you ll hear their take in moments but first, to a man with deep contacts and a long history in the pentagon. the general is a retired four-star general, vice chief of staff and a fox news military analyst. general, good to see you tonight. let me start with sergeant bergdahl because there were reports today that were connected to james rosen s reporting yesterday that he may have converted to islam while in captivity, that he declared himself to be a warrior and seen with target practice with ak- ak-ak-47s with the enemy but today we learn indeed he did try to escape not just once but twice reportedly and given your history in the army, what does all of that tell you? wel