GOOD MORNING, SUNDAY! It's the perfect time to catch up on some of the great reporting and stories the Mercury churned out this week! (PRO TIP: If you despise being "the last to know," then be one of the first to know by signing up for Mercury newsletters! All the latest stories shipped directly to your email's in-box. and then. YOUR HEAD.) • Federal Judge Questions Portland Police Union’s Demands Over Body Cameras Questions about.
The Mercury provides news and fun every single day—but your help is essential. If you believe Portland benefits from smart, local journalism and arts coverage, please consider making a small monthly contribution, because without you, there is no us. Thanks for your support! Good Morning, Portland! They try to tell us there's a winter weather advisory / But we're too Portland to really anticipate snow. Ignore it! It won't snow. Let's hit the news. IN.
In addition to the earth-shaking-but-ultimately-pretty-cool news that the Doug Fir is moving into the old Le Bistro Montage space—which Mercury culture editor Suzette Smith covered this week—Portland is brimming with excitement right now. As February comes to a close, we’re cuddled up with some new music, looking forward to Pickathon, and irately demanding Ticketmaster allow us to purchase Wu-Tang Clan and Nas seats immediately. MUST-SEE: Can’t miss upcoming events. Eyelids Back before the New Year,.
The Mercury provides news and fun every single day—but your help is essential. If you believe Portland benefits from smart, local journalism and arts coverage, please consider making a small monthly contribution, because without you, there is no us. Thanks for your support! Good afternoon, Portland! Here's to a nice, new week with a lot less snow! Let's dive into the news. IN LOCAL NEWS: • Spring is, amazingly, just around the corner—and the Mercury's.
The Doug Fir Lounge is moving into the space formerly occupied by Le Bistro Montage. The 300-person capacity Doug Fir is known for showcasing indie bands, such as Interpol, in