In a November 2021 press conference, Grio reporter April Ryan asked Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg a question that seemed to make sense to him, if to no one else. “Can you give us the construct,” Ryan asked, “of how you.
I am writing this during the last hours of Good Friday. The crude, empty cross of my parish has been changed this afternoon for one with Christ crucified, presiding over the temple. However, when you read this, it will be.
I “The wicked are estranged from the womb,” so the Psalms tell us, “they go astray from birth.” King David’s aetiology of crime was perhaps the first, and remains the most concise, prefiguring later theories of biological positivism. If criminality.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recently testified before Congress. He was particularly exercised over Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s hold on 160 top military promotions in retaliation for the department’s plan to cover travel expenses for abortions. Said Austin: “Not approving the.