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Administration including my press prep, predecessor, failed to buy american Ship Jobs overseas where labor is cheaper brought home the product. There was more expensive, but not anymore. Federal projects build american roads, bridges highways, and itd be made with american products by american workers last longer sharing its simple thats why were paying so many good paying jobs in fact, requiring those kinds of projects to pay Davis Baker prevailing wages. So their job that could raise a family on those jobs dont require a College Degree in fact, We Expanded registered apprenticeships. Remember all the hell i got for doing that. We got for doing that well, Guess What, resulted in hiring over 1 Million apprentices sensory came to Office Lots of folks getting an apprenticeship is like getting on a College Degree why you have to train for four or five years to get that. And some of the best workers in the world arrive that we write where we are, we are you know wondering if pittsburgh you
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certainly something that helps add to his national political profile. but one thing is clear is they just want to continue demonizing folks and other ising people. they started moving in the spring to lgbtq peoplent specifically. they were really excited about the don t say bill in florida. so if you don t want a kindergarten teacher to talk to your kindergartner about , you re anti-gay. hmmm. ron desantis anti-ga, the spiril father of a mass murderer in? colorado, really, no mattersanto how you feel about ron desantis or about it , it s not plausi. in fact, it s ridiculous. yet they keep saying it. and the question is , why dose e they keep saying it? arll, they re saying it because that s how determined they are to keep you from talking aboutll the subject. they will call you an accessory to murder. they ll threatened to sue you into poverty. is the assistant t director ofth up. fbi just did. if you don t shut up, that sy we pretty weird when you thinkey hv about in fact, it s ve