AMHERST A new approach to maintaining and resurfacing roads and sidewalks, such as the possibility of joining with other communities in seeking paving bids, is being considered by town officials as Amherst faces an estimated $40 million backlog in.
AMHERST Developing senior housing projects that could potentially free up existing homes for younger families, increasing housing density around town, and encouraging the University of Massachusetts to provide more housing for its students are among.
AMHERST Developing senior housing projects that could potentially free up existing homes for younger families, increasing housing density around town, and encouraging the University of Massachusetts to provide more housing for its students are among.
AMHERST Calls for cutting the town’s Police Department budget nearly in half and using the savings to turn the unarmed community responders department into an around-the-clock operation are again being made to the Town Council.At Monday’s hearing on.
AMHERST Calls for cutting the town’s Police Department budget nearly in half and using the savings to turn the unarmed community responders department into an around-the-clock operation are again being made to the Town Council.At Monday’s hearing on.