ST. LOUIS United States District Court Judge Henry E. Autrey accepted a plea of guilty from Shannon Nenninger on October 12, 2021 for the crimes of conspiracy involving health care fraud, making false statement to a government agency, theft of government funds, and social security fraud. Thomas Hobbs could assist her in obtaining disability payments from the.
Feb 9, 2021 1:06pm
Denis Mikhlin, 41, pleaded guilty in August to charges of conspiracy, fraudulently obtaining oxycodone and other opioid drugs and receiving illegal kickbacks in return for sending urine specimens to Central Diagnostic Laboratory for medically unnecessary testing. (Getty Images/alfexe)
The owner of Missouri-based medical group Doctors on the Go was sentenced to nine years in prison after pleading guilty to charges of fraud and accepting kickbacks.
Denis Mikhlin, 41, pleaded guilty in August to charges of conspiracy, fraudulently obtaining oxycodone and other opioid drugs and receiving illegal kickbacks in return for sending urine specimens to Central Diagnostic Laboratory for medically unnecessary testing.