the day of his sort of capture. the cabin he was hiding out in was burning. it took some time to locate his body so they could say for sure the nightmare was over. dorner was angry after being let go from a police department years ago and was targeting law enforcement and their families. he killed four people during those days. by the way, the couple of the cabin, the homeowners, are joining a man dorner carjacked along the way. they want to file claims for some of the share of the one million dollar reward for information leading to his capture money. we don t know where that will lead to. it s interesting that they consider themselves more than just witnesses, they helped. back to you. jenna: interesting. harris, thank you. rick: right now saudi arabia on a list of countries whose travelers would be fast tracked through tight airport security here in the u.s. the same saudi arabia home to 15 of the 19, 911 hijackers the the men you see on the screen. eric shawn joins with us more.
the information right now seems to indicate that the wound that took christopher dorner s life was self inflicted. reporter: a nine-day saga, four lives lost, ends with a single gunshot and one big controversy that isn t settled yet. kyung lah, cnn, los angeles. some of the donors who promised to contribute reward money have second thoughts because dorner died during the standoff, the reward is moot. in their mind the terms wasn t met because he wasn t captured or convicted. in the meantime, two claims for the reward have been filed by the couple that were tied up in their apartment by dorner and by the camp ranger whose truck dorner carjacked. they say the calls they made led authorities to the killer. joining me is john miller, correspondent for cbs this morning and counterterrorism chief for the los angeles police department. also los angeles city councilman dennis zine. councilman, to those authorities like the riverside police department who say the reward money will not b
the information that we have right now seems to indicate that the wound that took christopher dorner s life was self-inflicted. reporter: a nine-day saga, four lives lost, ends with a single gunshot and one big controversy that isn t settled yet. kyung lah, cnn, los angeles. as we said tonight, some of the donors who promised to contribute reward money are having second thoughts. that s because dorner died during the standoff, the reward is moot. in their mind, the terms weren t met, because he wasn t captured or convicted. in the meantime, two claims for the reward have been filed by the couple that were tied up in their apartment by dorner and by the camp ranger whose truck dorner carjacked. they say the calls they made led authorities to the killer. joining me is john miller, correspondent for cbs this morning and counterterrorism chief for the los angeles police department. also los angeles city councilman dennis zine. councilman, to those authorities like the riverside pol
their apartment by dorner and by the camp ranger whose truck dorner carjacked. they say the calls they made led authorities to the killer. joining me is john miller, correspondent for cbs this morning and counterterrorism chief for the los angeles police department. also los angeles city councilman dennis zine. councilman, to those authorities like the riverside police department who say the reward money will not be paid because the weren t met, what do you say? i say we re deceiving the public. we can t promise something and then not deliver. and the question is, if we make a promise, make a commitment, let s deliver that. there is a matter of integrity and honesty, transparency. in los angeles, we re going to deliver whomever is entitled to that reward. it s being investigated by the homicide of lapd. when it comes to us, we will deliver what we promised to deliver. john, do you think somebody deserves that reward? no, i don t think anybody deserves this reward as it was cons
wounded. another killed. but a short time later, we see smoke coming from the cabin. later we see heavy fire. reporter: then a single shot from inside the cabin. the information right now seems to indicate that the wound that took christopher dorner s life was self inflicted. reporter: a nine-day saga, four lives lost, ends with a single gunshot and one big controversy that isn t settled yet. kyung lah, cnn, los angeles. as we said tonight, some of the donors who promised to contribute reward money are having second thoughts. that s because dorner died in the standoff, the reward is moot. in their mind the terms wasn t met because he wasn t captured or convicted. in the meantime, two claims for the reward have been filed by the couple that were tied up in their apartment by dorner and by the camp ranger whose truck dorner carjacked. they say the calls they made led authorities to the killer. joining me is john miller,