Sioux City s last cobbler struggles to keep up with demand Follow Us
Question of the Day By BRET HAYWORTH - Associated Press - Saturday, February 6, 2021
SIOUX CITY, Iowa (AP) - Mark Treft raced through a verbal list of all the Siouxland cobblers he knew who have closed businesses over the last few decades, citing those in the nearby cities of Sheldon, Carroll, Sac City, Denison, Kingsley and Tekamah, along with many more.
Then Treft, the last known cobbler in Sioux City, and within about a 70-mile radius of the city, went through the list of those that had closed in the metro since his youth. Gone are cobblers who worked by the former St. Joseph Hospital, in the Riverside neighborhood, along 21st Street, in the downtown Younker’s building basement and in South Sioux City.