because they canceled the constellation program that was going to have us go back to the moon and then over to mars. here s what buzz said. what this nation needs in order to maintain its position as the 21st century leader in space exploration is a near term focus on lowering the cost of access to space and on developing key cutting edge technologies that will take us farther, further and faster, i believe this is the right program at the right time and i hope that nasa and our dedicated space community will embrace this new direction as much as i do. i applaud the president for his boldness and commitment. you know, it seems you know if, you take it buzz doesn t want nasa to continue but if you look deeper into it. he wants nasa to continue, stronger, further, mars and not just the moon projects. right, the moon projects, the spacecraft evidently will be a smaller version of what president bush wanted. orien is going to allow not going to go to the moon. he s going to allow
jump-starting new industries with privatizing some of these operations as they noted and also wants to modernize kennedy space center. by doing that, the white house claims that they ll save about 2,000 jobs that were going to be mothballed, basically layoffs that were going to be coming. nevertheless, despite these changes that are proposed, there are several thousand people at kennedy space center who are still facing likely layoffs. the plan is also going to have a revamping of the orien system and basically rather than this going up into space on its own, it s going to be sort of recused and recast as sort of an emergency escape vehicle for the international space station. the president also going to speed up development of the deep space rocket, also talking about more shuttle flights in the long run, years down the road. but you re right. there s deep concerns about what kind of changes are being made in the short term that are going to result into layoffs down there in florida,
from campaign contributors of president obama. that had nothing to do with predecessors. it represents a serious conflict of interest. reporter: while governor romney was on the west coast. the obama campaign firing back from the east coast. here is david axlerod. selling himself as an economic savior. the massachusetts record was alarmingly weak. he brought the orien takes of a financial engineer whose career has not been about generating job. it s about short-term profits. it s not about long-term growth and building for the future, but taking what he can when he can. heather: mr. axlerod constantly heckled which romney supporters during the speech. molly, first of all what was going none the background of
they re inspecting the shuttle s heat shield for signs of any damage before departmenting tomorrow. president obama revealed his future visions for nasa at the kennedy space center including his goal to reach nations beyond the moon. we ll start by sending astronauts to an asteroid for the first time in history. by the mid 2030 s, i believe we can send humans to orbit, mars and return them safely to earth. and landing on mars will follow. and i expect to be around to see it. mr. obama reassured workers that more than 2,000 jobs would be added in response to criticism that his slashing of the space shuttle program would force layoffs. he had to backpeddle. he originally cut, and so many jobs were being cut in florida. let s leave the orien spacecraft together but we won t go to the