Divider which the police seem to be paying attention to. The shuttle bus apparently was just hit from the rear. There are several other car that are involved. At this point in time many of the marked cars have left and several new cars which are unmarked, investigated vehicles are on the scene. This has the 580 heading into oakland shut down, all the lanes. If you want to get on the 24 you will be able to do that but the back up is huge. If we can turn around here what we will do is show you the situation. The situation is that the cars are being diverted off to the left of your screen which would be going up on the 24, over toward the tunnel but nothing is coming through here nor is it likely to looking at the amount of investigation thats going on. We do not know if there were how many shots were fired, we certainly dont know if anyone was hit. We do know that there are no emergency vehicled on scene. We will have to keep checking things out and finding out what is going on. That is