Feb 21, 2021
∫ During its monthly meeting on Feb. 17, the Alpena County Finance Committee voted to recommend to the board of commissioners a host of spending requests.
The committee voted to approve the 2021 Michigan Department of Natural Resources Marine Grant renewal application for the sheriff’s office in the amount of $12,143. Wages and benefits will consume $7,793 of the funds, and $600 for oil changes and minor maintenance. Fuel for the boat and tow vehicles will eat up $3,750, if the grant request is approved by the state. There is no County match if the county is awarded federal funds, and if it comes from State funds, the county would have a $3,035 match.
Jan 25, 2021
∫ At its Jan. 5 meeting, the Rogers City City Council voted to forego utility bill late fees until at least March 32. It also passed the proposed list for parades for 2022. Included were the Nautical Festival Parade, Little League Parade, Kiddie Parade, Memorial Day Parade, homecoming parade, Halloween Parade and Christmas parade.
During the meeting, there was also the first reading of a pair of zoning ordinance amendments. The first amendment would allow B-2 Central Business districts to be rezoned to R-2 Single Family Residential.
The Second ordinance to make planned use developments a with supplemental development regulations on all properties zone B-3 general business.