On Wednesday, the little boy now a 48-year-old man and his mother met the firefighter for the first time at Dorchester’s Florian Hall to express 45 years of gratitude.
Firefighters, who have to feed themselves at their fire houses day in-and-day-out, are well known for their culinary skills. But what about police officers? Can the cops hold their own in the kitchen?
The City Council approved a labor agreement reached between the Wu administration and the city’s firefighters union, Local 718. The sign-off, which came at Wednesday’s Council meeting and sent the agreement to Mayor Wu’s desk, was unanimous. The agreement, which Wu announced at the Greater Boston Labor Council’s Labor Day breakfast earlier this month, runs from July 2021
Mayor Wu’s administration has reached a tentative labor agreement with Dorchester-based Firefighters Local 718. The agreement was reached Sunday night. The agreement was announced at the Greater BostonLabor Council’s Labor Day breakfast, which drew hundreds of union members, and top Massachusetts elected officials and labor leaders, to the Boston Park Plaza hotel. The details