Welcome to news asia its good to have you with us ah Global Brands such as folks fog and met say these bans nike and others using products made by ethnic we girls under forced labor a report by an australian think tank claims that is the case the Australian Strategic Policy Institute says at least 80000 have been forcibly transferred out of the factories in china that make products for Global Brands in chinas not west is where china has detained some 1000000 we girls in detention camps ostensibly to fight terrorism the report also says some of these 80000 weaker is what transferred from detention camps to these factories in these factories came the reports authors we were forced to take part in socalled Patriotic Education prevented from. Practicing their religion and forced to live in carefully guarded dormitories the factories in question cater to some 83 foreign and Chinese Companies we contacted some of the german firms named in the report including fox fog and meditate is bents th