fire proof buildings that people should shelter in place and it s safer to be in your apartment than to venture out and try to get down the stairs. from what you ve heard, is that malfunctioning door one of the main reasons there were so many deaths? yeah, thank you for having me. we re still waiting for the investigation to be completed, but it seems like the malfunctioning self-closing door was a big factor that played a big role in terms of the smoke inundating the entire building in matters of seconds. so the other door in question is from the unit where the fire started. that door was also left open allowing the fire to spread. the mayor didn t want to add further trauma on that family after they escaped a burning apartment, but he s pushing that there s a lesson to be learned about closing a door. with so many families in your area who live in similar high-rise buildings, do you agree? that s correct. but i think another issue is
train was approaching. the pilot was taken to the hospital. he s reportedly doing okay, but it s just remarkable. i mean, they re such heroes. it is amazing. yes, this video is graphic but so glad they got that man out of the way. thanks for being with us for the last two hours. the lead with jake tapper starts right now. as danny tanner once asked, am i the raddest, baddest dad a kid ever had? rest in peace, bob. the lead starts right now. the omicron impact. more and more hospitals reaching critical capacity as new york covid cases skyrocket and the variant is disrupting the most important parts of society. horror in the bronx. at least eight kids among the 17 killed in the deadliest fire in new york city has seen in decades. now questions about how a door malfunctioning might have made matters even worse. one point for novak djokovic.