indie, pop, local stuff :)Raccoon TourCactus SongCactus SongThe UnicornsWho Will Cut Our Hair When We re Gone?Inoculate the InnocuousNeutral Milk HotelIn the Aeroplane Over the SeaCommunist DaughterPushing DaisiesLate BloomersWhat A ShameThe GardenhahaHahaSlowicideWhere s My Lighter?Where s My Lighter?The TablespoonsCarnivorous UncertaintyMonsterThe CranberriesEverybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can t We?HowPeach PitYou and Your FriendsPuppy GrinCar Seat HeadrestMaking a Door Less OpenDeadlines (thoughtful)AJJ, Kimya Dawson, Kool KeithBest of All Possible WorldsBest of All Possible WorldsArbutus Blue, saegeasMind the GapwaterlilyEthel CainPreacher s DaughterPtolomea
Release Day Picks this week highlight new albums from Neil Young, Car Seat Headrest, Natalie Cressman and Ian Faquini, Chris Forsyth and Warren Haynes.