Celebrating the bond between brothers and sisters, Bhai Dooj is an important Hindu festival thats observed across the country, albeit following local customs.
Bhai Dooj 2023: The auspicious festival celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters - Here is the auspicious time to start the tilak ceremony: - Bhai Dooj 2023 Shubh Muhurat: What is The Auspicious Time For Tilak Ceremony?
Bhai Dooj 2023: Known by various names, such as Bhai Phonta, Bhatra Dwitiya, Bhai Dwitiya, and Bhathru Dwithiya, Bhai Dooj resonates across regions of India.
Newswrap: Bhai Dooj, also known as Bhaiya Dooj and Bhau Beej, holds immense significance in Hindu culture as it is celebrated to honour the unique bond