out-of-pocket co-pay or deductible, different for adults and women and children and a host of benefits for seniors that are already in place, one of the big things is changing the prescription drug what neigh call the donut hole in medicare, the coverage gap for when medicare pays for drugs. they are narrowing that hole down and provide more coverage for seniors and they gave seniors a one-time rebate check for $250 to cover the prescription drugs. another problem we often see in medicare is they try to they can t find enough primary care physicians because they don t get reimbursed enough. so they started a financial incent testify give the primary care doctors more money to see patients. greta: there is a number of things in effect. the big ticket items are yet to come, i assume, like any expansion in the roles. i mean, the 30 million people who don t have insurance, we don t have them on health insurance, right? exactly right. that s still uninsured as of
americans that we just want some decision and then we will we will deal with it and move on. i want to embrace those americans. i speak their language, they speak mine. i am quoting the great philosopher rodney king can we all get along? i believe on the issue of health care twould be tragic, it will be a disaster. if you close or diminish my community health clinics, if you disallow seniors from going in for preventive care and don t close the donut hole of the medicare part d that i opposed and seniors have said you are right. if we don t keep the coverage of babies, yet unborn that will come in with pre-existing diseases, such as asthma, respiratory illnesses and others and heretofore, they could not be covered, if you disallow that, who are we as a country? greta: straight ahead, former governor sarah palin is next. she said president obama is not the only one who has some explaining to do come november,
solution? what do they think has been the impact of the health care law? what will happen if it is struck down? we have an emergency room physician and a senior attending physician of emergency medicine at st. barnabus hospital in the bronx. i am curious, what has been the impact so far, the limited implementation, to you? li mean, they have started to do some of the medicare reimbursement and pay-back. thru there is a problem with medicare. there is going to be a problem either way with this law because they re going to add medicaid patients to t. we have a problem with medicaid. 30% of doctors in this country don t take medicaid, so the e.r. s the only place they can come. and a lot of states are trying to stop their access to emergency care. so whether they strike it down or not, they are going to have to account for the problem with medicaid right now and what s
verdict with a number of changes. but really, right now, supporters are hanging their hopes on the mandate. greta: is there have you been able to determine whether or not premiums have gone up in price or not? that was one of the promises, very important to many americans, that premiums not go up. have premiums gone up? premiums have gone up. but there is a delay, obviously in seeing when the premiums happen. we don t have up-to-date numbers on the last six months. like, you said, a lot of reforms are not in place. but they do say hhs says that medicare premiums have gone down and private insurance premiums are growing more slowly, so the trend is starting to save us more money. greta: but right now, they are going up, but not as quickly as one would expect, that somehow that this new law has slowed the increase in payments. exactly. greta: are there any things that have been a huge disappointment to the obama administration on this law?
deductible, different for adults and women and children and a host of benefits for seniors that are already in place, one of the big things is changing the prescription drug what neigh call the donut hole in medicare, the coverage gap for when medicare pays for drugs. they are narrowing that hole down and provide more coverage for seniors and they gave seniors a one-time rebate check for $250 to cover the prescription drugs. another problem we often see in medicare is they try to they can t find enough primary care physicians because they don t get reimbursed enough. so they started a financial incent testify give the primary care doctors more money to see patients. greta: there is a number of things in effect. the big ticket items are yet to come, i assume, like any expansion in the roles. i mean, the 30 million people who don t have insurance, we don t have them on health insurance, right? exactly right. that s still uninsured as of