down, what we might call patting a person down that really was patting a person down. that was not a screening. most of the passengers supposedly have been cleared by their countries of any terrorism connections, as have the pilot and the co-pilot. so where do you go from there? well, i m not willing go anywhere from there. just everything that, if you remember back when we talked about looking at everything from the time the plane was on the ground and make sure you don t tunnel vision because of the passports, don t tunnel vision now because something is erased off of his simulator. i mean you erase things all the time on your computer, telephone and other things. still you have to look at it. but it s clear, it s just as an investigator over 40 years, just it tells me it s one of the two pilots or both. but it s very unusual it would be both. that s extremely unusual. one either had to be inokka