let s continue the bush tax cuts, let s make this fair for everyone but let s stop spending. we are spending more than we have. democrats are saying now they are saying it doesn t matter, we are not focused on the deficit anymore. we want to keep spending so we re going to raise taxes. don t touch spending. if you touch spending do it five or 10 years down the road. let another congress do it. in the meantime raise revenues through tax increases. i hear my father s voice. we all grew up with our dads that they saved every penny they had. they came from that generation. my dad would never say ainsley just spend, spend, spend on your credit cards. don t worry about the debt? don t save a dime. if you were running a business your business would have been out of business. that s what scary. we love america so much and people are concerned where our country is going. email your questions at friends at foxandfriends.com. headlines. might be the biggest arrest related to terror atta
cuts and republican all of the republican ideas that they want to, in this pledge, you would essentially have to get rid of national parks, no more small business administration loans, no more export subsidies and no no to everything. you have to get rid of everything else. aren t the tea party activists who are behind the current movement in the republican party, aren t they say no more to this stuff? well, right. this is what is so important politically right now is that the tea partiers and now the house republicans are saying we have to cut spending across the board. but then they do put big area of spending off limit. don t touch spending for seniors or the troops or veterans at this point, which leaves you with a much smaller universe of spending you can cut and makes it hard to make a significant dent in the budget deficit but they don t take the next step to go through the different line items and say we think that national park staff needs to go down and the national parks n