tough. listen 30 years your don t touch gun control. that is sort of, a bedrock principle of politics among democrats and republicans. what he s trying to do is change 20 years of politics. it doesn t happen in two months. it might be the beginning of a debate that over time might change the trajectory of gun politics. doubtful. but a lot of conservative democrats in the last 20 years that weighed in on guns have paid a political consequence for that partly because of the nra and partly because of other gun groups and a lot of people who are hunters and own weapons they don t want the government to going after their guns they want them to go after criminals or people who have mental issues. joe makes the die tings between the nra membership and leadership. is the fear of the nra, is it that great on capitol hill? i think the nra is one of the most powerful lobbies in american politics today but it s not just the nra that has members fearful.