Join UK radio host Mark Stafford as he revisits the Swinging 60’s and tells the full story of those great radio days along with a soundtrack of the wonderful music of the era.
The future of snow days
Education. In the era of remote learning, are snow days still important for reasons besides safety. like joy? | 08 Jan 2021 | 12:49 Vicki Vingoe, of Shohola, Pa., and her son Edward, 8, on the first snowday of the winter. The Vingoes moved back to the Northeast in part so Edward could experience the magic of snow. ( Vicki Vingoe)
When kids woke up to a snow globe world last month, some pulled on snow pants and headed outside for a pre-breakfast snowball fight. Others flipped open laptops and logged in for school.
There were parents who pretended they had no power so their kids could shake free of school obligations. There were teachers who bundled their own kids up to play outside, then watched wistfully through the window as they taught classes virtually from the living room. And there were working parents trying to do their jobs from home, wishing their kids had schoolwork to keep them occupied.