a massive infrastructure project that cuts through the very heart of the donga and that has led to some unusual alliances in places like they in the uk. don t massacre the door don t you valley that s what this huge sign says it was put up by chateau owner claiborne to protest a new highway now under construction right underneath his window in this beautiful part of france. and something more the harsh i m angry because the road will ruin this landscape also this entire region where i grew up and that is so dear to me a symbol of. the landscape has remained untouched since the middle ages nicholas to stem the pneumonia nice to be this year. it looks to be an uphill battle but in his fight against the highway cliff is joined by someone whose path
a massive infrastructure project that cuts through the very heart of the donga and that has led to some unusual alliances and places like they knock. don t massacre the door don t you valley that s what this huge sign says it was put up by chateau owner klaver also known to protest a new highway now under construction right underneath his window in this beautiful part of france. and something more the i m angry because the road will ruin this landscape also this entire region where i grew up and that is so dear to me the sooner. the landscape has remained untouched since the middle ages nicholas to stem the pneumonia nice to play this year. it looks to be an uphill battle but in his fight against the highway clipper is joined by someone whose path you d